Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ideas Please

Hello everyone! As you can see i've been making some changes to my blog, so i was wondering, do ya'll have any ideas for my blog? Anything you'd like to see happen to/with this blog? PLEASE just let me know!

Thanks :)



  1. I have noticed the changes, Callie-- very good!

    I was wondering someone though, are you gonna keep the title "Ladybug photography"? Because If you do still want to keep it but want a different background, I'd make it some plain pretty color. Then, add a cool header with a couple of ladybugs, and neat items. :)

    But your doing great, girl! Can't wait to see the finish!

    Did you know I started a photography blog?

  2. Thank you Gracie ;)

    i don't know if i am or not, but thank you for the advice, i'm planning on doing a different header whether i keep this name or not, i just haven't found the right design yet is, but thanks!!
    no i can't wait to check it out! get a link to me plz!

  3. Your very welcome, Callie-girl! ;)

    It was just a suggestion, because it would REALLY fit the title, and you DID say to let you know what we were thinking... So I spoke my thoughts. =P Really though, you do a great job with it. Where do you get your backgrounds?

    Okay girl... If you really want to see it I'll send you a link. ;) I still want to do more to it, and really, I'm the colorful person so black kinda makes me want to change it, but since it's MY camera... That makes me keep it. Ugh. LOL! But it's satisfactory for now! :D

    Link coming in next comment...

  4. Here you go, dearie...


  5. LOL GRacie girl your funny! yes i did ask, and i'm glad you did tell me what you think! thanks for doing so! :)
    okie dokie i'm going to look at it right now!!
    oh yea! go to the cutest blog on the block, thats where i use to get all my blog templates including headers :)

  6. LOL! Yeah, I've been told that an awfully lot. *poses funny* Sides, I already knew I was funny anyway. =P LOL
    Aww, so glad your glad. ;) And your most welcome! If you ever need anymore smart advise, you sure know where to look for it. (cough) =P ;)

    Aww goody! Hope ya like it!

    Oh, I've been there loads of times- it's a fun site! And they really are so cuuuuttteee! :D

  7. oh wow my gracie girl you really do brighten my day up! LOL :)

  8. Awww. Yaaay! Knowing me, I love to be the cause of brightening up everyone's day! So happy I can and did yours! <3 <3 <3 =)
